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March MoonZoom: Remembering & Discovering

Each month, we gather around the warm fire of community to be seen and heard, centering the questions that animate us.

March Theme: Remembering & Discovering

Ever encountered something new that felt like a deep remembering? What about something that felt utterly new? Yeah, we’re gonna talk about that.

This month, we are welcoming Guest Inquirer, Jack Hall.

Jack grew up in the UK, and moved to America when he was 11. Avid athlete turned outdoorsman turned advertising copywriter.

He doubts his own doubt. He builds bridges not walls. He came up with an alternative sheet music tool to teach children piano. He watches survivor until he decides to make a video to apply but never does. He loves a game night.

March 3

Rooted: A Men's Retreat

April 7

Spring Into Wellness